Virginia Rigatos

Hey y’all! My name is Virginia Rigatos and this year I have the privilege of serving as the Chapter President!! I joined Zeta as a fall COB from MC ‘22 OH YEA!! My mission has always been to give back to the chapter that has given me so much and I’m beyond honored to have the chance to serve on our Executive Committee for the second year in a row! I am genuinely grateful for the unwavering support of the incredible women in this chapter, knowing I can always count on them. Zeta is gratitude, empowerment, sisterhood, and so much more and I am extremely lucky to be a part of such an incredible group of women!
Amy Fugiel

Vice President of Programming
Hi my name is Amy Fugiel, I am from Celina Texas. This is my second year on executive council! I have always enjoyed leading people in the right direction, while helping girls find their place. Being in Zeta has given me a chance to meet new people and explore many opportunities!
Markie Rowan

Vice President of Learning and Development
Hi! My name is Markie, I’m a nursing major and I am the VP of Learning and Development. I joined ZTA in spring 2023 and I never could have imagined all the ways it has helped me grow as a person! I knew since I was the previous VP of learning and development’s assistant, on pc, that this was a position I wanted to apply for! I have always loved spreading positivity and helping those around me, and I am beyond excited to welcome and teach our new members all about Zeta!
- Email:
Jade Kemph

Vice President of Recruitment and Membership
Mycca Clay

Vice President of Philantrophy
Anese Richardson

Vice President of Administration
Hi, i'm Anese! I'm majoring in Hospitality Administration with a focus in Culinary Arts. As a transfer student, this is my second year here at SFA and as a Zeta. I am a COB and was in initiated in Fall '23. Before being on EC, I was on the Signs and Banners Team.
- Email:
Madison Kokenes

Vice President of Finance
Hi, I’m Madison Kokenes, and I’m so excited to be a part of Zeta! I’ve been a member for 2 years and currently serve as VP of Finance on Exec. I’ve loved getting involved in our sisterhood and am passionate about working together to make a positive impact in our community. Serving on Exec has been an incredible experience, and I’m so proud to be part of such a dedicated team of women.
- Email:
Bethany Joseph

Vice President of Campus Relations
Hi I’m Bethany! I’m from The Woodlands Texas! I went through recruitment Fall 2022 and fell in love with Zeta Tau Alpha. The sisterhood that Zeta has brought me something I would never trade. Zeta truly feels like home to me. I painted the signs and banners for Zeta for two years and officially passed my paint brush down to my little! I’m excited to see what this position brings me!
Kodi Tubbs

Vice President of Member Experience
I’m 20 years old. I’m from Lufkin Tx where I was homeschooled. I am apart of MC ‘23 and I went through formal recruitment. I previously served on the New Member Team before becoming VP of Member Experience. My favorite part about my position is that I get to orchestrate an entire member class becoming zetas!
Maci Martinez

Vice President of Harm Reduction
Zoë Thompson

Vice President of Facility Operations
Grace Cates

Vice President of Academic Achievement
Hey y’all! I am Grace and I serve as the Vice President Academic Achievement for our chapter. I joined ZTA in Fall 2023 and have loved every second of it! I plan to teach middle or high school math after college. I love late night food runs, long walks with my little, painting, and hanging out with my friends! So far my favorite part of being in my position on EC has been getting to talk to even more girls in the chapter! I love having the opportunity to learn and grow with the other members of EC and with my chapter.